Bagman 2024 Full Movie Watch Netflix

Bagman 2024 online

Only this time, the fight isn't for himself; it's for his family


When a sinister threat from his childhood comes back to haunt him, a father desperately struggles with his deepest inner fear. This is the first PG-13 horror film to feature the "Lionsgate Red Gears" logo since Opsjednuta (2012).

I mean, come on

Patrick McKee: Ever since we moved back, I've had these chills about Jake's kidnapping. your house has been invaded 10 times and you still choose to watch your kid on a monitor, leave him unsupervised in a bathtub, and constantly walk out of sight of the kid to allow things to continue to happen?

Where's the sanity meter when it comes to writing

I get that movies need suspense points, but when you have to insult our intelligence to get suspense, then that's just a recipe for a bad review. No parent would put their father in law who was assaulted in bed with them while they put their child in another room watching on a monitor.

God that was horrible

Lots of holes in the story and terrible editing. At one point a loud bang in the kids room and both parents started running somehow in those 2 seconds the wife was on the phone with the police.

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