36/19 The Well (2023): A Dive into the Depths of Italian Horror If you're looking for a new movie to torrent, look no further than "The Well," a 2023 release that promises a unique blend of horror and art restoration. Set in a picturesque Ital...
23/16 Escape 2024: A Hero's Journey from North to South In cinematic storytelling, few stories resonate as deeply as a soldier's fight for freedom. "Escape 2024" explores the harrowing journey of a North Korean sergeant who, after a decade of ...
33/10 Rounding 2025: A Gripping Medical Drama "Rounding 2025" is a gripping film that delves into the intricacies of the medical field while exploring the emotional struggles of a young medical resident. Set against the backdrop of a rural hos...
10/16 The Brutalist 2024: A Cinematic Journey Through Architecture and Love There are few stories that resonate as deeply as that of The Brutalist 2024. This compelling story follows the life of visionary architect Lászl Toth as he deals with ...
34/26 The Girl with the Needle (2024) – A Dark Tale of Survival In the post-World War I cinematic landscape, The Girl with the Needle emerges as a poignant and engaging tale that captures the struggles of a young woman navigating a harsh reali...
31/47 Uomini e donne vivono in un gigantesco silo sotterraneo, soggetti a una serie di regole che dovrebbero proteggerli dal mondo tossico e corrotto sopra. Che esplorino le stelle, fuggano da distopie o rendano il mondo un posto migliore, que...
28/47 The men and women live in a giant silo underground with few rules they believe are in place to protect them from the toxic and broken world on the surface.. Whether exploring the stars, escaping dystopias or making the world a better pla...
20/40 The Last Showgirl 2024: A Glimpse into Glamour and Change The Last Showgirl 2024 is an intriguing film that follows the journey of Shelly, a glamorous showgirl who must confront the reality of her changing life when her long-running show...
49/19 George A. Romero's Resident Evil 2025: A Forgotten Vision George A. Romero, the legendary filmmaker known for his influential work in the horror genre, had a unique vision for adapting the iconic Resident Evil video game series into a fi...
29/30 My Dead Friend Zoe (2025): un'esplorazione unica del dolore e della connessione "My Dead Friend Zoe" è un avvincente dramma la cui uscita è prevista per il 2025. Questo film approfondisce l'intricata relazione tra una veterana afghana e ...